The Green Man (1956)
A masterpiece of British comedy
11 January 2009
This film deserves to be regarded as one of the gems of British comedy of the '50's and '60's and stars three of its most superb and inimitable performers, Alistair Sim, Terr-Thomas, and George Cole. The plot is generally this: Sim is an antique clock repairer who is induced to resume his erstwhile profession, that of assassin, and to do in a British diplomat headed for the Middle East. His plans, of course, go awry when he must silence the diplomat's secretary whom he has been pumping for information, but has now found him out. The woman is lured to the adjacent, unoccupied house, but Sims' assistant batches the job. The fiancée of a BBC broadcaster who owns the house and a vacuum cleaner salesman who happens to be there, catch on and are determined to thwart the assassination, which is to take place at a seaside inn called The Green Man.

The comedy, literate, sophisticated, and droll, is effortless and uncontrived, with a bit of social comment subtly thrown in. The film is briskly paced and a delight from beginning to end. Alistair Sim, an eccentric Scot who turned down a knighthood, was a master of drama (his Scrooge is impeccable), but it was at comedy that he most often worked, and with his expressive voice and face, his performances were sublime. George Cole, who plays the vacuum cleaner salesman, was adept at playing befuddled innocents and is perfect. (He was often teamed with Sim and was in fact his adopted son. Cole's wife, Eileen Moore, is also in the cast.) Many other Brit film faves such as Raymond Huntley, Dora Bryan, and Colin Gordon are featured as well, and of course there is the irrepressible Terry-Thomas, who is always a kick. Jill Adams, as the girl, should also be mentioned; she was very engaging and deserved more parts.

The film leaves the viewer wanting for nothing and is a masterpiece of incidental comedy. Anyone enjoying films such as The Naked Truth, Laughter in Paradise, or The Lavendar Hill Mob will love The Green Man.
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