The Clique (2008 Video)
Not Compelling.
29 January 2009
I was familiar with the "clique" books, so I was anticipating the movie.

What made me watch it most of all was the successful book to show transformation of "Gossip Girl" However, this movie is a perfect example of horrible acting, unrealistic plot, but i suppose it follows the books standards.

I do feel that the main idea gets across. The "mean girl" idea, that girls are mean and will hate on those below them. I definitely think they could have cast better actors for it. The main character does not give off the "rich bitch" vibe, and has HORRIBLE facial expressions, that make her looks more stupid than intimidating. Her friends are not intimidating by any standers and should have just shunned the main character from the beginning.

And, As rich and privileged as the girls are, do they really run around in bathing suits and high-heals when they're in middle school?

I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone, stick to mean girls instead.
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