A complete mess and waste of talent
10 February 2009
I just finished seeing an advanced screening of this film and I was amazed at how poorly this film was written. A story about a Mall security guard trying to find meaning to his life and focuses his attention on a pervert flasher as the case that will define him. The writer and director Jody Hill made a quick appearance and announced that the movie is a dark comedy. I immediately had high hopes that this film could be Taxi Driver meets Paul Blart. Sadly this isn't the case.

Jody Hill writes a messy sloppy film where Seth Rogen's character Ronnie Barnhardt is thrust to the audience without a background or any explanation as to who or what his character is all about. In fact the entire character feels more like something Will Ferell or Jim Carrey would play, a complete unfunny schmuck who acts like a dick while everyone else seems to just deal with him. His character is unlikeable and whatever was written for Rogen to spit out was just not funny , at all, no matter how much improv was involved.

Usually Rogen is surrounded by a great cast that helps him bring the funny but here all the talent is wasted.Anna Faris is reduced to just being a pretty girl in a dress and if you've seen the R band trailer then you've seen everything that character has to offer. Ray Liotta is just Ray Liotta. There is no real stand out performance here, everything is just so dull.

Seth Rogen has talent, mostly when he's writing for himself. I will have a more formal review later.

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