Actually, It's "Pick Your Own Rating"
22 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I found the entire exercise in endless over-the-top gore, seriously twisted sex and (as has been pointed out elsewhere) ROBOCOP/STARSHIP TROOPERS-style satire to be too confusing, too nihilistic, and too...much, ultimately. But I won't deny that there's definitely an audience for this movie, even if the graphic violence effects range from astonishingly good to patently obvious.

Briefly, the story involves a near-future Tokyo where the police force has been privatized, fighting homicidal maniacs called "Engineers" who, upon being seriously injured, sprout Cronenberg-like "flesh weapons" to seriously ramp up the death and destruction before they are killed. A young policewoman with serious personal issues, having seen her policeman father assassinated as a girl, is tasked with hunting down these Engineers with the aid of her katana (Japanese longsword) - only what the Engineers are, and how they relate to both the father's death and the privatizing of the Tokyo PD, is all part of the same deep, dark conspiracy....

In the end, whether you love it or hate it is completely a personal call. I'd recommend renting before buying, unless you absolutely are a gorehound.
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