Buried Alive (2007)
Buried Alive: A Sexy and Sleek Teenage Horror Flick
24 February 2009
Im so glad that Dimension Films, one of my favorite companies, released this kick ass slasher flick. Im came across this flick last October and i read about it and the DVD artwork is sweet!! This flick featured some gruesome and inventive death scenes and a very creepy ghost killer. This movie did have the typical horror movie storyline, a group of college kids terrorized by a killer at a remote location, but this flick, the killer is a angry spirit. It is centered on a group of college friends Erin Lokitz, Leah Rachel, Terence Jay, Steve Sandvoss, Lindsey Scott, Germaine De Leon and it featured Tobin Bell as the creepy caretaker of the home that the friends plan to party in for the weekend deep in the desert. Its not too long fro the slicing and dicing to happen, as a family curse takes it's toll on the group. This movie really freaked me out, so definitely check it out!!
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