I like this movie. (There, I said it!)
4 March 2009
I didn't get to see this movie when it first came out. A lot of people said it was terrible. I finally saw it on TV in the mid-nineties, and I have to say, I wasn't great, but I wasn't nearly as bad as everyone said it was.

The movie is set in the fictional country of Shadaloo, and involves a military showdown between the Allied Nations strike force, and the terrorist army of M. Bison. Bison has captured a group of hostages and will execute them if the A.N. doesn't give in to his demands (typical terrorist threat). Col. Guile steps up to face Bison. Also, other characters from the Street Fighter game get involved either by accident or on purpose.

I completely agree that the movie has many gaping plot holes, it's not always coherent, and many parts come off silly. I know most fans were hoping for a serious action movie as opposed to a campy spoof, but in all honesty, it's still entertaining. I think they were trying gear it more towards kids and that's why it was so campy.

"Quick! Change the channel!" Omigosh! That has to be one of the funniest things I've ever heard in my life.

One thing I would like to address: Many people claim that his was the movie that tainted the image of Raul Julia. I disagree. If you watch closely, you can tell he's lampooning the role. The result, Bison comes off as a humorous cross between Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Saddam Hussein, and Dr. Evil. It was great. Van Damme does a good job as Col. Guile. He definitely a great job on the fight scenes. Ming Na Wen probably does the most believable performance as Chun-Li, who is probably the most credible character in the movie.

Bottom line: While this movie has a weak plot and cheesy acting, it's so silly, that it becomes a "so bad, it's good" movie. Check it out for some good action and a good laugh.
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