Henry VIII (2003 TV Movie)
Still worth watching
6 March 2009
Although it is true that it was not 100% accurate, this was still well worth spending 4 hours watching, in face I felt it could have been longer. Ray Winstone played his part well and true he did his cockney gangster accent ( and at times his Richard Burton ) but his emotional range made him very believable. He did come across as ignorant and uneducated at times which is not what ( we are led to believe anyway ) was true of Henry. My main problem was that this could have been longer and some of the wives were hardly mentioned at all. Henena Bonham Carter was very convincing as Anne Boleyn Katherine Howard was at least portrayed as the teenager she was unlike many depictions in previous films. I guess it must be hard to get everything accurate in a 4 hour version of a very long life but it sure had it's dramatic moments. I think any film leaving you wishing there was more must be good.
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