Watchmen (2009)
A Conversation from 5 minutes after the movie finished
6 March 2009
I took a bunch of friends, most of whom never read the graphic novel, to see the midnight matinée of this film. Here is the conversation we had afterward.

Me: So, what did you think?

Female Friend 1: It was good. There was a lot of boobs and butts. And that guy's wang all the time...why didn't he wear clothes?

Me: Dr. Manhattan. In the comic he stated that he hated the artifice of clothing, so he hated having to wear clothes.

Male Friend 1: It was a lot more dramatic than I though it would be. It's not the action film that the trailer makes it look like.

Me: Yes, but I warned you about that ahead of time. I told you there wouldn't be a lot of action in it.

Male Friend 1: I know. I'm just saying, I still expected more action. It was still a great movie, just not what I expected.

Male Friend 2: That was a great ending. It really makes you think, y'know, what would you do to save the world?

Female Friend 2: Yeah. Like, where are the lines in the grey area between black and white?

Me: So, overall opinions?

Female Friend 1: I loved it, I just coulda done without the sex and nudity.

Male Friend 2: And the gore. It was pretty gory, but it was also awesome.

Female Friend 2: Yeah. It was pretty awesome.
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