Blindness (2008)
A reality break from the rat-race -- society going blind.
17 March 2009
This one gets a 10 out of 10. The very title and premise of this movie was intriguing to me. While we are caught up in the rat race. Wondering how to pay the bills, make the next dollar, worrying about recession, etc... what happens if we all suddenly just go blind. It is true that some of the most basic things that we take for granted that we should be thankful for -- gets lost in a rat-race called life. I knew I would enjoy the very premise of this movie as it shows that depth of how a first world country can go if one of the most basic gifts of sight were deprived. It wouldn't take a very long time for things to become anarchic.

I've been reading through all the comments because I didn't want to say something that wasn't said before. However, I want to defend this movie against some criticisms.

First of all, people are saying that Julian Moore's character waited a bit too late to use her weapon or do something. I think that this actually makes the movie more realistic and is a strength. A character that has never killed before, and is killing for the first time has to be taken beyond a breaking-point in order to cross that boundary. This makes sense with me and I do not understand why people are criticizing this element.

Second complaint common is demanding of goods or valuables if the place is already quarantined. I defend this movie in this respect because I think that to be appreciated, you have to give it latitude by trying to connect with it's overall message, even if it may be metaphorical at the expense of realism. You cant take a movie like this too literal -- you simply have to understand what it is saying -- which is the downward spiral when the rules of society collapse -- and learning to be thankful for some of the things that get lost that's really important in the rat-race we are all called up in.

Thirdly, the complaints of the gore, violence, and rape -- it was rated a restricted movie -- you are viewing at your own risk.

This movie has touched me and I'm glad that I have rented. If for not anything else, but at least helping me to see life beyond the rat-race that we are all glued to and imagining what could happen if one of the most precious gifts that we are all blessed with -- that of vision -- were deprived of everyone for just a length of time what would happen.

THAT -- in itself has got me thinking. There is no higher rating than 10/10 -- so that's the best I can do. I feel happy that something woke me out of the rat-race and see the blue sky -- it was this movie.
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