The Unknown (2005)
I'm not sure why this is rated 2.3
29 March 2009
Anyone who approaches a movie based on Sasquatch must know:

1) It is not going to be a large budget film 2) There are not going to be any recognizable stars 3) Nothing in the movie can be construed as complete fact 4) It's not going to win any awards

Thus, a movie such as this needs to be approached with an open mind and low expectations.

I read one good review here when I saw it was going to be on Showtime Extreme (542 on DirectTV), so I decided to watch.

What I saw was somewhat interesting. The acting was not bad and a few actors actually did a really fine job. On top of that, there was a good mix of some light-hearted humor, a couple times I laughed out loud, not out of sheer stupidity, but original humor.

The movie could have done less with the stupid rednecks. I did like the close-up scene with the bear, and not knowing what Sasquatch truly looks like, I had no problems with what I saw.

I guess if people go into this with high expectations, they're going to end up disappointed, but if you take it for what it is, it's not a waste of time.

I could see Hollywood making a larger budget film out of the Sasquatch legend and put a couple (somewhat) big(ger)-named actors in it. I mean, if some hacks can make the Blair Witch Project and manage to turn that pile of crap into a blockbuster smash, why not something that has some plausibility?

I gave it a 7 because I want to help see the rating of this film climb. I probably do not think it deserves more than about a 5 of 10, but it's certainly better than 2.3.

Like someone else said, grab a girl, and cuddle up with some popcorn. At times she'll hold you close, and other times you'll both laugh together.
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