Deep Winter (2008)
Piece of crap
4 April 2009
I just saw this piece of crap on TV. I would recommend you watch Touching the Void instead. This movie has nothing to do with what it promises. There's no suspense. No danger. Nothing. It's just a fake straight-to-DVD waste of time. I cant even believe that I am commenting on it on IMDb, or that it got 4.3 points. It's really one of the worst movies I have seen in a long time. Yesterday I saw the brilliant master-piece Hellraiser (1987). Now, there's a movie! This "movie", shall we say, is not even a movie at all. It didn't have any plot or anything. It really made me sick to watch all that stupid crap. Michael Madsen is quite good in the movie actually, and Alaska is a great place, but there is really nothing to work with because the sport-element in the movie is so poor and non-existent.
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