Star Trek: The Motion Picture
9 April 2009
The film series got off to a decidedly rocky start with this very slow-moving, ponderous affair that feels like a first act drawn out over 136 minutes.

The big revelation of V'Ger's nature at the end is quite good and a genuine surprise but it's no reward for enduring the build-up. The pornographic establishing shots of the Enterprise seem to last forever, particularly when it's first shown. Any sense of awe is soon replaced by total boredom as it slowly floats by, shot from a dozen different angles. Once we're inside V'Ger it gets even worse and the film grinds to a halt. All this repetition of scenery is meant to suggest immense size but that's already established early on and this hammering the point home is completely unnecessary.

It plays almost like a mystery thriller and is very light on action, but while the creators should be applauded for trying something different, unfortunately there isn't enough suspense inherent in the story to make it work.

When something's actually happening it's quite good, it's nice to see the cast doing their thing in roles that fit like gloves, and it isn't exactly a chore to sit through - but The Motion Picture still feels like a very long car journey to nowhere special.
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