Bounce (2000)
12 April 2009
This romantic drama is entirely predictable - even by the genre's standards - but it works very well thanks to excellent chemistry between the two leads and a more mature, philosophical edge than this kind of fare usually offers up. Another thing that sets it apart is that the inevitable spanner-in-the-works climax involving the air hostess doesn't feel like something the writer just came up with out of the blue to add tension. It's been there all along, we just didn't think about it.

While Ben Affleck acquits himself well, it's really Gwyneth Paltrow's performance that rings the most true and provides the film's emotional heart. Her character is equally sad and inspirational, and her portrayal is spot-on.

It's not the greatest romantic drama ever made, but if you can forgive the formulaic script and appreciate its numerous strengths you'll be quietly impressed.
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