Film that has a bit of everything to keep you interested
14 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This film blends a couple of exploitation themes - drugs and "freaks". A museum that is really a side show featuring a "freak" show - "The World's Largest Collection of Natural and Unnatural Wonders". There is even a scene at the start where the officials are looking into a canvas pen, reminiscent of the "chicken woman" in "Freaks" (1932). The side show is also a front for drug peddlers that the politicians and police are eager to bring down.

Phyllis Barrington, the leading lady, didn't have a long career, only 12 movies and most of those seemed to be Willis Kent Productions. Henry B. Walthall had such an outstanding career, starting with a role as a woodsman in "Rescued From an Eagle' Nest" (1908) - D.W. Griffith also starred as the father. He brings a touch of class to his role of Professor Mysto.

Henry B. Walthall plays a debonair conjurer, Professor Mysto, who sees his job in jeopardy if the police get too close to the carnival's drug racket. Jerry Ross (John Harron) is a reporter who finds himself very interested in Lois (Phyllis Barrington), the police commissioner's niece. They are gathered there to raid the carnival but are waylaid by the "spanish dancers" exhibit - they are disgusted by the low standard of the dance and leave the tent in anger. As soon as the law is gone the girls are told to put on a "real" show!!! One of the commissioners, Newgate, is shot and Professor Mysto is the first one to offer assistance. They find a gun and a "toe print" - so they bring in the armless artist for questioning. The bullet is found not to come from that gun so the police are back to square one.

Jerry and Lois decide to go back to the carnival to see if they can catch the killer returning to the scene of the crime. The only person they encounter is a Mexican, who later turns up dead!!! Mysto sends Jerry a note informing him of a drug shipment arriving at an abandoned mansion. After a lot of gunfire Mysto comes and gets Jerry and Lois away before the police come. Professor Mysto has secrets in his past - he is the real killer!!! Twenty years ago he was a happily married Professor of Philosophy but Newgate came to town and Mysto's wife had an affair. When Newgate left, his wife killed herself as she felt she couldn't live without Newgate.

This is a really good movie that has a bit of everything to keep you interested.

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