Hybrid (2007 TV Movie)
Lame, boring and superfluous!
29 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I couldn't believe that this movie dates from 2007, it had all the looks of a below-average seventies horror-flick. Didn't they have any knowledge of modern special effects or CGI?!? The story is lame, it's about this guy Aaron who, on account of some weird experiment, gets eye-transplants from a wolf. After this, for some unfathomable medical reason, he suddenly has visions of wandering wolves. So are we supposed to believe that the memories of the donor-wolf are situated in it's eye-balls?!? And that the recipient of these eye-balls also adopts the wolf's craving for red (life-) meat?!?

The acting didn't help the credibility either: everyone stumbles through their lines like wooden dolls, especially this Indian girl, she may be pretty but she can only come up with one expression (vexed) and some disinterested mumblings about the force of Nature. I really sympathized with actor Cory Monteith, they didn't give him much to go with, apart from running around bare-chested for half of the movie. His (few) killings and attacks are hardly shown, we just hear some growling and cries of fear and then there's another victim lying down and Aaron with some more blood on his face and chest. Not much for a modern sci-fi horror! The only decent acting came from Justine Bateman, doing the best she could with her silly lines.

In the end this sums up as being a silly and rather boring movie, hardly scary or thrilling, with unbelievable goings-on, a lot of overlong National Geographic-like visuals of wolves running around woods and slopes (who cares?!?), some pretentious Indian ramblings about Man and Nature and an uneven musical score with poppy songs at the most inappropriate moments. I guess the word "superfluous" covers it.
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