A Tremendous Failure From Hugh Jackman & Gavin Hood
1 May 2009
Perhaps the biggest failure was the fact that the writers (David Benioff and Skip Woods) and the director (Gavin Hood) gave only a cursory glance at the source material, made the assumption that its content was either too deep or too intelligent for movie-goers, and proceeded to wipe their respective asses with it. Then they listened to the fans who wanted to see all of their favorite characters in the movie, listened to the top dogs at Marvel who loved the marketing opportunities (like the line of action figures for the movie) and then threw every mutant with a recognizable name that hadn't already been in X3: the Brett Ratner POS...and they even threw in a few who were unfortunate enough to have been in that dung heap of a film.

So, my favorite comic book character (Deadpool - the Merc with the Mouth) gets screwed to hell with no chance for a spin off film, and we got a junk flick with a meandering plot, no character development, and no value whatsoever. I want my $8 back.
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