Tough cop cleans up the streets
5 May 2009
This urban drama delivers thrills, non-stop action and mayhem. Carl Weathers is a Superman in street clothes and benefits from stunt work and spectacular chases and crashes and does well enough to be believable. When Jackson loses his lieutenant stripes he becomes a rogue cop with an attitude. The film lacks coherence and hurtles from explosion to gruesome killing to firebomb which exposes the film's thin plot. Craig T. Nelson is a nasty character who allows no one to interfere with his agenda, and Sharon Stone spends her brief screen time trying to stay out harm's way. Vanity, a Motown wannabe with a heroin habit, is pretty enough but is no femme fatale. She and Weathers seem to have good chemistry here, but the film's highs and lows and long stretches of silly dialogue and meandering pace give the movie an uneven feel.
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