Lost: The Incident: Part 1 (2009)
Season 5, Episode 16
Lost has lost it.
15 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
My love for these series has been building up since episode 1 of season 1. At a certain point my love became so unconditional that I was prepared to swallow any sort of Michael-Bay-people-will-eat-anything-type of nonsense the creators of the show were going to come up with. But with the show becoming more and more promising, I just didn't expect them to treat their audiences like that.

Why turn every character into useless pawns when for 4 seasons they were complicated, motivated, deep people? Why trivialize most of the mysteries the island contains when for 4 seasons you had John Locke convincing people that everything on the island happens for a reason(which he did in my case)? Why stuff the show full with platitude when for 4 seasons you had nothing but pleasant surprise for us? I saw an interview with J.J. Abrams about the mystery box thing. Why contradict your own principal when it was working so well for the show? In the end, after episode 17, it suddenly came to me that I had no questions left that need answers.

What's the black monster? Don't really care anymore. What's the statue? Jacob lives there, but otherwise, don't really care anymore. Who's Jacob? He's the island God, but otherwise, I don't care anymore. Who's the other dude? Jacob's ex-friend-gone-nemesis dude, but don't care anymore.

I just hope the bomb-exploding-"Lost"-phasing-from-pure-white ending means that they wiped the slate clean and are going to try and make up for our and(most importantly) THEIR time spent making these useless 17 episodes. Although it didn't leave me wondering about what happened the way the other season finales did.
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