Less Than Kind (2008–2013)
7 June 2009
I was bored and flipping through the channel guide one day and saw this show was set in my hometown, so I gave it a try. Went online to read more about it while I was watching it. Was genuinely shocked to read that this is supposedly a comedy. Shocked because it didn't seem to even be trying for a laugh, let alone trying and failing. I have lots of respect for Mark McKinney, but this show feels like a bad indie movie where the writer is so satisfied with the wacky characters he created, he doesn't bother making them do anything entertaining. Did I just happen to tune into a particularly weak episode? Possible, but I get the impression this is one of those shows Canadians grade on a curve because it's Canadian. The same attitude treated Flashpoint like high art when it was really just a mediocre procedural, and Red Green as culturally relevant when it was really just Hee Haw.
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