Twisted Brilliance!
16 June 2009
Psychos in Love is one of the most twisted comedies you will ever see. Way ahead of it's time, it's been ripped off by Hollywood (SCREAM!) and Madison Avenue Ad Agencies (the insurance industry's grape commercial...c'mon!), and I'm sure it's still being quote today by fans who first saw it two decades ago.

The new DVD is ridiculously cool! Extras abound. The two commentaries offer completely different takes on the film. Gorman's solo is like a great film class. The one with him and Carmine is funny and sweet. The making off made me laugh out loud. And the photo gallery is really amazing.

I love this movie. Along side The Evil Dead and Reanimator, probably my favorite in the horror genre of all time. Glad to finally see it get the DVD release it deserves.

A must have for any good DVD collection!
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