Legs or no legs, I've never seen such a mobile fireball.
30 June 2009
After losing both his legs in a flying accident, Douglas Bader not only mastered the use of his artificial legs, he also astounded everybody by flying for the RAF again-leading the assault in the Battle Of Britain in the process.

Reach For The Sky opens up with a disclaimer of sorts, the usual yadda yadda about certain events in Bader's life being altered in the name of entertainment. To which it should be mentioned that for a honest look at the man and his life, those interested should either read the biography that this is adapted from {written by Paul Brickhill), or source from many other available means. That said, Lewis Gilbert's film is in essence a true story. Yes it is true that some of Bader's known character traits are not fully formed, and yes the makers here were very clever in casting the hugely popular Kenneth More as Bader to ensure the film stayed away from Bader negativity. But it stands up as an uplifting film regardless of its supposed glorification of combat.

Kenneth More gives it the whole kitchen sink, so much so that pretty much everyone else in the picture barely gets a look in. But to do down More for that would be grossly unfair, asked to carry the narrative entirely, he not only achieves that, but he also makes Bader an inspiration for many, and that has to be a good thing. It caught me personally at the right time, a time when I was feeling rather sorry for myself, so with that in mind the film definitely achieved its aims. Thematically strong and technically sound, Reach For The Sky is a recommended picture, but not, if you aren't prepared for some artistic license as regards the "hero" of the piece. 7/10
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