Decent silent short
3 July 2009
Laurel and Hardy's screen characters were still taking shape when this silent comedy was made, and the framework of their relationship wasn't yet complete. They are friends in this one, but Stan's a friend that Ollie would rather avoid, and they haven't yet adopted the trademark bowler hats and slightly shoddy suits. Ollie pretends he's not home when Stan comes calling, but manages to mess that up so that he and his wife are forced to let him in the house. Wifey is so incensed by Stan's antics that she sends the boys off to play golf, which leads to further typical chaos.

This isn't one of the duo's best shorts but it has a few decent moments. I liked the way Ollie's gramophone player fell apart when he attempted to play it the 'wrong way,' and this film shows the first example of the boys using their routine about not having enough money to pay for soda with their girlfriends which they re-worked in a later film. It's perhaps true that the introduction of sound is what transformed Laurel & Hardy into a truly first class comedy act, which is why this short isn't quite up to the standard of their later work.
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