A valiant effort
3 July 2009
This movie seems to have been contrived from every Western cliché' known to film. I didn't have high hopes for its quality, and, in that, I wasn't disappointed.

It was nice seeing a '50s Western in beautiful color - especially in the scenic panoramic shots, but it showed up the thick pancake makeup terribly. The actors looked as if it had been troweled on.

As for the acting, it's the standard B-list roster except for Tony Martin. He deserved to be put on the Z-list. The man had a gorgeous singing voice, but couldn't act to save his life.

The others, with whom you might be familiar, are Ron Randell, John Smith, John Doucette and the blonde siren of B-listers, Peggie Castle.

There's plenty of action to keep you awake, the story is a standard one - the bad guy trading illegal goods with the Indians, the good guy who finds him out and routs him. And the pretty blonde who falls in love with our hero.

Have to say, aside from the pretty color cinematography, there's little to offer to anyone. I'm glad it was on in the morning on the Western Channel, because if it had been night, I'd have fallen asleep.

This is not an awful movie. It's certainly not a great movie. The best I can say about it is...

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