Weather Girl (2009)
a refreshing romantic comedy
2 August 2009
I just saw this movie at a screening in Sonoma and was wonderfully surprised. I might be a bit biased because I am a fan of romantic comedies and movies in general, but this was a good movie. At times, the movie itself seems to be poking fun at romantic comedies with how it handles some situations and some of the lines.

The tag/plot from the main IMDb page gives a great overview of the plot: A Seattle weather girl freaks out on-air over her cheating boyfriend, the morning show anchor, and moves in with her little brother. This does not give the movie away. The depth of the story is not usually found in romantic comedies. There is more to this movie than girl meets boy. All of the casting is wonderful. The only issue I had was with Byron and Walt, for some reason I thought the actors should have been switched. By the end of the movie I disregarded this because both of them develop into their roles.

This is one of those movies that is great if you are a movie lover (and some TV) because there are so many great actors in it. Almost every scene there is another actor/actress where you think to yourself 'where have I seen them before?' or 'oh, I love them'. I do have to agree with another reviewer on here that the movie is a little dark, not film noir dark but actually screen dark. I am guessing that is the theater I saw it in (a classic old one that is not set up for digital projection). I gave it a 9/10 because I have only seen it once. I reserve 10/10 for after the second viewing, if I still feel the same way about it it gets another star.
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