Documentary gives it a 3
11 August 2009
Honestly, at some age many of us are scared of going into the woods. But, for those of us who have been there at night with some preparation, it's really not that scary. The creatures come out to do what evolution and nature have given them the tools to do. In the winter, it's quiet, peaceful, and no senseless screaming. I kept watching and watching expecting someone in this acting group to calm down, look around them, assess their situation, and do something about saving what would have otherwise been a nice little outing. Alas, these bimbos kept whipping themselves into a self induced psychological frenzy; you know, the type that might get people killed. The real torture for me was trying to stay with the film until the end.

That said, I do recognize the elements of film making here that may have appealed to the, supposedly, young audience that fed the hype machine. "The Blair Witch" breaks several of the cardinal rules that ran Hollywood motion pictures since the early history of film. Yet, the fact that it hyped its way to a huge profit will be the only footnote listed in the history books. It just doesn't stand up to good storytelling.

Finally, one last observation. I gave this movie a 3 for one reason; I found the documentary about the Blair Witch Legend to be passable. However, for those of us from Tennessee, the parallels and similarity to our "Bell Witch Legend" is so obvious it's almost insulting. But, take heart. No one in Hollywood has yet made a passable film of our legend yet.

I read today that the producers have announced they may make a sequel to the film. Be careful when you go back into the woods guys. I hear that the Hollywood money machine still lurks in the dark.
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