Night Fire (1994)
Slow-moving erotic thriller completely owned by Rochelle Swanson
11 August 2009
Although Shannon Tweed is the big name in "Night Fire", she has a limiting role here - an erotically timid, workaholic businesswoman - that doesn't allow her to be (and have) much fun (I've always thought that she is more effective as an aggressive rather than as a passive character). You keep expecting her to "cut loose", but it never really happens. Instead, the movie is completely stolen away by Rochelle Swanson as the provocative, promiscuous "bad girl". Swanson has a spectacular body - her ass in particular is unmatchable - but it is her face that really gives her most of her sexiness: it is quite expressive, and when that expression turns naughty / playful / dominant, she becomes so sexy she almost eliminates the erotic B-movie queen Tweed out of the picture! The film itself is very slow-moving and the plot doesn't stand up to much scrutiny, but Rochelle makes this worth watching. Don't miss the opening sequence, where she traps a woman in a nicely applied wrestling hold while her boyfriend is beating up her victim's boyfriend, and then she proceeds to continue his beating on her own! ** out of 4.
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