Daredevil (2003)
The devil beware
26 August 2009
Comic book fans should enjoy this movie creation based on one of Marvel Comics most successful titles. Coming off the box office bunnies of other comic-to-movie adaptations such as Spider-man and X-Men, the Marvel comic lore is a treasure trove for movie makers and with special affects and CGI now comfortably at the point where they are capable in suspending our belief that super powers can possibly exist, the comic book feats of Daredevil are very much on the big screen for everyone to see.

The story of Matt Murdock, a man who by day fights for justice as a blind lawyer (having lost his sight in a toxic waste spill) and by night a dispenser of said justice to those who escape the court system using acrobatic martial arts and sixth sense "radar" capabilities (imbued by the same toxic waste that made him blind) is one for whom generally all comic book fans would cheer for.

Ben Affleck playing the title role is supported admirably by the stunning Jennifer Garner (Elektra), the suitably imposing Michael Clarke Duncan as the evil nemesis Kingpin and the psychotically endowed Colin Farrell as Daredevil's main adversary Bullseye.

All play their parts with suitable relish and the chemistry between Affleck and Garner is evident (as this was the movie which eventually led to a relationship in real life).

Overall an enjoyable ride and far superior than the disastrous spin-off movie based on Garner's character Elektra. If I was to be nit-picky, I'd point out that Kingpin is actually a giant white guy in the comic book series but Duncan encapsulates all the necessary qualities of the "Crime Boss Overlord of New York City" admirably and was a fine choice in the end.

What probably prevents this comic book movie from reaching loftier heights is the lack of character empathy between their interactions. Bullseye is simply a mercenary for hire and his "hatred" for Daredevil is not really felt. Further exploration between Daredevil and Kingpin would've resulted in greater gravitas but this most likely would have resulted in less time for Elektra's character and potentially less box office dollars. Still an enjoyable popcorn movie in my books.
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