There is only one issue with this movie.
22 September 2009
And it's not a big issue: but it's so sad I can't share it with non English speaking friends. subtitles suck and often kill the dialogs.


I watched the man from earth yesterday for the first time, knowing absolutely nothing about it: I just liked the nice DVD cover art and it was cheap. I do that often. I really enjoy discovering a movie with a fresh mind, no pollution from teasers or critics.

After 5 minutes, I was trapped in the awesome story. Scifi storytelling at its best: no need for expensive CGI, no need for a dumb young captain Kirk, no need for an explosion every 7 minutes, no need for a psycho bad guy, etc... In this true masterpiece, the story is everything (so much film makers forgot/never knew this).

This is for sure one of the best movie I watched for years, and I'll try to make sure that all the people I know watch it. If I had only 3 movies to take with me on a desert island, I'd take this one.

I want more...
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