Entourage (2004–2011)
A show that started grand and fell into mediocre territory.
29 September 2009
Now let me start off by saying: this is only a good show. It is not great.

Entourage started off with such promise, I can fully remember truly wanting Vince and the gang in succeeding. They were fun and ultimately they were learning the ropes as we were as the audience (with Ari Gold as our teacher essentially).

Since season 2 however I started caring much less for every character who wasn't Ari or one of the guest stars. The "entourage" are arrogant, undeserving and sadly uninteresting. Kevin Dillion is the only one of the bunch that brings actual character to them.

Ari with his assistant and his constant drive to make his clients succeed is the only fun part of the show now, and I suggest a switch in momentum towards that.

Sadly 6 out of 10.
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