Review of Sicko

Sicko (2007)
Excellent critique of America's wretched health care system.
1 October 2009
Sicko is Michael Moore's best documentary yet. He speaks to real people who have been victimized, some tragically, at the hands of America's amazingly horrible health care system. Moore shows that the real villains in the health care mess here, are the greedy insurance companies, HMOs, and politicians, who are bought-off by both the insurance, and pharmaceutical behemoths.

It's bad enough, that there are millions of Americans that can't afford health insurance of any kind. Moore shows that those who DO have health insurance in this country, are still subject to substandard treatment, IF their insurance companies even cover their health care costs at all. Michael Moore travels to France, the UK, and Cuba. He showcases the wonders of totally free health care, in those countries. Moore discovered (not surprisingly) that citizens in those countries that he visited, are healthier, and live longer than most Americans.

I hope that Michael Moore decides to do a documentary, on homelessness in America. Just like the health care debacle, homelessness is another glaring symptom of how inhumane this country has become, towards its most vulnerable citizens. And, like the American health care crisis in this country, the homelessness problem here desperately needs to be solved.

We need more people like Micheal Moore, who are willing to expose the many injustices in our country today. I recommend that every American see Sicko, to find out just how unfair our health care system is these days. Those who see this film, many become outraged enough to demand free health care here, which other industrialized countries now take for granted.
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