When you talk about destruction/don't you think you can count me out/in?
17 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
MANY SPOILERS The part of a victim was tailor-made for Elissa Landi;Cecil B.De Mille made no mistake as he cast her as a Christian martyr in his famous "sign of the cross" the following year.

"The yellow ticket" is an improbable melodrama (isn't it a pleonasm as far as the genre is concerned?) in which a Jewish girl has to get a "yellow ticket" ,the mark of shame for it is given to prostitutes ;but she gets in in order to visit her imprisoned father .

Up comes an English journalist,covering "life in Russia under Nicolas the Second's reign" .He asks the young girl some "informations" and of course falls in love with her.

At the beginning of the movie,a picture showing some kind of devil (it isn't even Rasputin) to make us comprehend that czarism is evil.And if the message is not clear enough,the heroine is saved by the bell,or the Russian revolution (let's take advantage of it) ,although the poor Russians are left to their own devices while the happy lovers are flying to the wonderful free world of Albion.
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