Monster (2004–2005)
Dark anime that's to long for its own good among other things.
22 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Monster is a dark anime about human nature. It's main character is a renowned neurosurgeon that works at hospital where money and status come first and human lives second. Dr. Tenma makes a choice one night on just which side of the human life vs money spectrum his on when a little child with a gun shot wound to the head comes in followed a little later by a mayor with an a brain problem to. Well to make a long story short the choice he makes ends up ruining his life 9 years later in more ways then one, and he unfortunately starts out on a 74 episode journey to right his mistake. Yes, 74 episodes. I'll get to what's the problem with that later.

The Good

Realism in animation and plot for the most part. People looked like real people. No mind-numbing power ups every three episodes. No women with unrealistically large breasts or slut wear that Japanese anime's seem to think all women wear. No mindless cursing just for s**** and giggles etc. Basically take out what's in 99% of anime's and you get Monster,and that's a good thing.

Characters- Tenma is a a good protagonist. He's kind, handsome but strong willed to a point. Almost to good to be true. Nina is a good heroine. No mary-suish tendencies except a few unfortunate lapses real late in the series. She's also smart, kinda bad-ass while still being a nice person, and pretty without looking like a sex object. There are more characters that join Tenma on his quest and they are done well for the most part to.

Dialouge- For the most part the dialog is okay and realistic. No friendship speeches. No over-dramatic love will win the day monologues etc, but then you do have some of it being naively idealistic, and when you hear this especially in a dark anime like this then it does get a bit annoying.

The Neutral- Not titled the bad because I don't think these things are bad or good they just are.

Even though the title seems to be referring to one particular monster there are quite a bit of them in the story. I'll even go so far as to say one of the monsters lackeys is more of one then spoiler is. Anyway the main monster who tenma is after can only be called Omniscient. There are to many things in this anime that the monster pulls off that asks for your suspension of disbelief in spades. One of the main ones being that some of the monster's plans, no what am I saying, all of the monster's plans, no matter how w.t.f.ish come of without a hitch.

The Ugly

74 episodes- Monster's biggest problem is that it tries to tell,a what's in reality, a 26 to 30 episode tops story into 74. What you get is a story that really doesn't know when to end for its own good. The first half of the show is mixed with small fillers, but still additive to a point, and then it teeters off into full blown filler boredom for the rest until the last four or so episodes.

The Monster's plan was inane. You go 74 episodes just to finally find out in the end the master plan, and it just wasn't worth the long ride.

The Monster barely shows up in any of the episodes. To the point that if spoiler wasn't such a tension filled presence on those extremely rare occasions when spoiler does decide to show up you would forget spoiler is even in the story.Even though a good villain stays out of sight that doesn't mean said villain should not get sufficient character development.

Telling not showing- We are supposed to believe that the monster is this mass murdering sociopath and yet we really never see anything of the sort done by the monster. Sure we hear what the monster has done, but its real rare though 74 episodes that we will every see these deeds.There's this place called 511 that's brought up as a big plot point concerning the monster, and yet you never find out what really went on in there,and you definitely will never see it. It was really just used as a plot device with no ending and no real explanation.

So many characters are introduced that they all sort of run together after a while.

Most plot points are left unexplained or poorly explained especially things that have to do with the overall plot.

Also almost every character without fail will tell the main character, or someone else, their life story to the point that you can't help but roll your eyes in boredom.

My apologies if this sounds shallow, but even though the the people look realistic if you aren't a main character then the majority of them will look unusually pudgy, and just downright ugly with some very creepy looking eyes.

The Ending- God the ending.When you hit the ending you will literally be asking yourself why you watched this. The ending makes everything done in those 74 episodes pointless as hell. I can literally sum up the bs of an ending in two sentences, and yet those two sentences would spoil the entire plot of Monster.
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