I want 6 hours of my life back
9 November 2009
Despite a few A-List actors this is not a mainstream film and thus is not meant for your typical widespread audience with a short attention span. I don't know the details behind who funded this but it was clearly not made to make money, and I am very supportive of anyone who has the courage to take a risk and present a story from their heart - as opposed to selling out to fit Hollywood guidelines. Also, the series was made from a different point of view that most of us will hopefully never get to see in real life, showing suffering in a very visceral way, and that is another aspect that should be applauded.

But I am afraid that is where the compliments end for Angels in America. The screenplay was very, very political where the characters either directly or indirectly blame a Republican ideology and President Ronald Regan for the AIDS crisis, as if he and his supporters were the ones that was causing AIDS to spread instead of the common sense fact that AIDS is spread through promiscuous men having unprotected anal sex.

Al Pacino does a good job in his portrayal of Roy Cohen although I am sure his character was exaggerated to show more of his perception from the gay community. Aside from that, the film was dark and dreary with absolutely no hope for any of the characters except for their drug induced hallucinations. At the end of the film I didn't feel bad for anyone although I suppose I could have if they weren't portrayed in such a self serving and spiteful fashion. My favorite scenes included Mary Louise Parker as she was the only one that was light-hearted an innocent without an agenda of her own.

The far majority of scenes were drawn out and unnecessary. The fact that the same exact story could have been told in 3 hours instead of 6 really leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Again, I support films that go against the tide, especially ones for a cause, but this screenplay, or adaptation rather, was over the top, drawn out and boring.
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