Review of Boot Camp

Boot Camp (2008)
Glossy and Forgettable
12 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
You may find more than a couple similarities to this movie and The Island of Dr. Moreau. The story is about a behavior modification camp for teens whose parents don't know what else to do. Mila Kunis is the main character through whose point of view we experience the camp. The camp is run by Peter Stormare's character, who has developed a system of organization for running the camp, as well as a "process" through which he breaks the children down and reteaches them to behave in a socially acceptable way. Except that we see cracks in the system that suggest it may not be working. In addition, there are people at the camp abusing their power and taking advantage of kids who must behave submissively to gain privileges and eventually be released.

I think if I wanted to know more about these behavior camps, I would watch a documentary instead of a work of fiction. Boot Camp was pretty much what I expected--the kids are treated terribly until the system eventually breaks down and the "mad doctor" is overthrown. It does get you thinking a little bit about what kinds of treatment might be appropriate for out of control teens, but this film won't try to answer that. It is basically another riff on the "absolute power corrupts absolutely" tip. If I had to single out one performance, I thought the girl who played Trina had a truly desperate look about her. Overall, it isn't one I will remember much about.
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