Maybe if I had read the book...
13 January 2010
I never read "From The Mixed-Up Files..." either as a child or as an adult (there are a lot of classic children's books I never got around to reading.) Maybe if I had read the book as a child I would have fallen in love with it and readily accept a cinematic telling of it.

As you might have guessed, I was disappointed with this movie. I couldn't warm up to it for the most part. The first problem I had was with the female child character. I didn't have any sympathy for her. She seems to run away just for the fact she has to take the garbage out. I had no feeling of pain and frustration from her.

Speaking of feelings, for most of the running time, I felt no sense of awe, wonder, or feeling of mystery with the children on their runaway journey. Their staying at the museum was, frankly, boring. Though when Bergman's character turns up, things pick up considerably. Her character is interesting, she's mysterious, and she brings that needed feelings of awe, wonder, and mystery. If only the rest of the movie had been like that!

What will kids think? Well, I think they will be squirming in their seats for the most part. Based on what I've heard of the book, I would suggest you give them the book instead of this movie.
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