Jaws 2 (1978)
Big fish sequel with teeth
28 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
After the phenomenal success of the first movie, it was all but inevitable that a sequel would follow and, as surely as wasps follow cola, 3 years after Chief Brody blew the arse out of the first shark, a new finned menace lurks in the waters off Amity Island.

The set up is identical to the first, with the added spice of an extremely agitated Chief Brody spotting sharks everywhere he goes, appearing paranoid, right up to the point the chewed up bodies start piling up.

Whilst lacking the sheer menace of the original, and with the unwelcome addition of an annoying bunch of teenagers titting about on catamarans, this is still an enjoyable enough water-borne romp.

The shark scenes are reasonably effective, especially when we see nothing but a dorsal fin skimming through the surf, and the presence of the majority of the original cast at least adds an air of authenticity to proceedings.

Whilst being as good as the original was a near impossibility, preventing the movie from being much, much worse was some achievement by the director.

With plus points already mentioned, the only real lows are the aforementioned spotty oiks, the rather rubbery shark effects when it leaves the water, and the fact that you know it's all getting a little bit silly when the shark takes down a helicopter, so not a bad effort all round.

As sequels go, this certainly delivers the goods.
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