Dream No Evil (1970)
Watch No Rubbish
18 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
"Dream No Evil" is a very odd and understandably obscure early 70's shocker that never really seems to kick-start. It's a combination of confusing story lines, lack of excitement, unappealing characters and really low-budgeted production values. Grace is searching for her father and this is slowly becoming more than an obsession. As a child in the orphanage already, she was screaming "Daddy!" in her sleep, much to the annoyance of the nuns in charge. As a grown up but heavily catholic girl, she found the ideal way to seek her father. Grace and her future brother-in-low run a traveling church/circus. I kid you not, it's a church AND a circus in ONE! Here's how that works: the brother-in-law preaches the word of God to a bunch of deeply religious villagers and, in order to literally demonstrate his "bad people descend to hell", Grace dives down from a great height. All this serves exclusively to illustrate that you shouldn't give in to sins like lust and premarital sex. That's awesome! Unfortunately, that's about the only awesome thing about "Dream no Evil". At the same time, this movie also contains, hands down, THE most boring death sequence ever filmed; when the undertakes gets stabbed in the back in the mortuary. First, it takes him multiple long seconds to realize he has been stabbed. Then he *slowly* backs up against the wall, stands there for a few seconds again, only to move towards a chair and sit at a table. Then, yet another few seconds later, he pulls a jar full of embalming fluid over his clothing and finally drops dead on the floor! Yay! How can you have any hope to have stumbled upon a hidden 70's exploitation gem if even the murder sequences are dull and tedious like this? "Dream No Evil" is easily one of the most pointless films I ever sat through, regardless of the obvious atmospheric and creepy potential. Grace finds her daddy, eventually, and he turns out to be an aggressive tyrant. Or is he? Maybe it's all just a dream? Who cares, seriously? There's a narrator with a very sleep- inducing voice trying to talk into the plot and structure, without success I may add.
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