It's Those Nazis Again!
20 February 2010
This was 68 minutes pretty well spent. Seldom do you get an inferior picture from Lew Landers, and on what seems like a 19 dollar budget. This one is about Nazis in the North Atlantic and a Navy plane squadron that tries to ride herd on them, if I might mix metaphors. But guess what? There is a traitor somewhere in their midst who is tipping off the U-boats (I'll bet you guessed). All concerned do a workmanlike job selling the thin plot, especially Base Commander Bruce Bennett. Virginia Field was appealing as the female in the picture and a young Lloyd Bridges is in attendance with little to do. The main character, however, is John Beal and he was bland as well as good.

Apparently this film is hard to come by, as the DVD copy I bought was barely passable in spots - very dark. But I would say it was worth the trouble and money as the movie moved along without hitches or 'bog-down' interludes. Allow for some plot contrivances and don't ask too many questions, as it is only a 68 minute "B" at bargain prices.
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