Sadly this review is not going to be so sweet
6 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First cab off the rank for us at the 21st Australian French Film Festival was Madamoseille Chambon. Reading the little festival booklet I've enjoyed Vincent Lindon in other films.. and he appears in 2 other films at this years festival "Welcome" and "Anything for her" (Pour Elle) with Diane Kruger.

Here in MC Lindon is his normal manly self quite similar to his other recent film where he was a separated man with a young son living in England. Sadly here the pace is just a tad too slow and for me I wouldn't have given Madamoseille Chambon a second look. Appearance wise and personality wise she had no appeal for me whatsoever.

This film to my mind is more bittersweet than romantic. I was interested to read the earlier two reviews and that Lindon and Kiberlain were once married. Being a romantic I was hoping Madamoseille Chambon would have been more oh la la. Sady she wasn't nor was the film so it bordered on mundane. In the process I may have even overcome my need to see everything with Vincent London in it. Perhaps "Regrets" also playing at this festival and touched upon by one of the other reviews here will be more my speed. Passionate and destructive sounds a bit more interesting that slow, suburban and in the case of Lindon's character uncertain and obviously not that interested. Romantics you need to look elsewhere!
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