Hard Times (2009)
Authentic? Who cares?
17 March 2010
I saw this film in London when it was release in February and was surprised when I read some negative reviews. Some sour-faced reviewer said there were no laughs in it. He must have seen a different film. But what annoyed me about the naysayers most was their insistence that it wasn't a good film because it was not filmed in Ireland, but in Devon and therefore not authentic and therefore no good! I can't see the logic to this argument at all. It's not a documentary, it's a comedy that happens to take place in Ireland with Irish characters. In fact all the Irish characters in the film are played by Irish actors(I have lots of free time to comb the net). I got some news for those who disliked this film for daring to be filmed not in Ireland; Gone with the Wind was not filmed in the "Deep South", but in Hollywood. The Johnny Weissmuller Tarzan films were not filmed in India or Africa, but in Hollywood. The Wizard of Oz was not filmed in the Land of Oz or even in Australia, but in Hollywood. WAKING NED (Irish film with a Scot playing one of the main leads) was filmed in the Isle of Man, not Ireland. Mary Poppins was not filmed in London, but in Hollywood.Okay, Seven Samuraii was filmed in Japan, but did the film-makers go back in time to the 1600s? No!NOT AUTHENTIC! Most of Titanic was filmed in a water tank in Mexico, not the North Atlantic. Casablanca was not film in Morrocco, but in ... you guessed it. Does it make any of those films less enjoyable knowing they are not "authentic"? If you answered yes, then go and write crappy reviews of films that are trying nothing more than to entertain you. How dare they? I WILL NOT FEEL GOOD AND POSITIVE BECAUSE I HATE HATE HATE. I WANTED TO WRITE NOVELS INSTEAD OF THREE COLUMNS IN A NEWSPAPER!!!! Anyway, I thought Holy WAter was a good film. Okay, it could have been better, but as far as I know it is a low-budget independent film that probably needed a break. But the school bullies have grown up and now write film reviews!"Let's kick it before it has a chance to get up"!
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