Review of Creep

Creep (I) (2004)
Completely underrated film from a terrific director
19 March 2010
I rented this movie after a few months of speculating whether it'll be worth it or not. Needless to say I really love this movie. It isn't just horror, it's a productive and very original story-line filled with characters you can care about which evolve a great deal as the story unravels.

It is spine tingling, slightly gruesome (maybe not enough for the rating), and above all else it is such a well put together movie; it fails to exclude the viewer. You are among the peers going through this horrible ordeal, a very unfortunate plot in the greatest horror-tific way.

The actors have considerable amounts of talent. They travelled through this movie with genuine emotions, they cared for each other and attempted to aid their fellow prisoners in an unmasked and unconditional way. This film is not mainstream. It isn't a horror movie which turns out to be a ghost story with a bunch of clueless teenagers who run really slowly and fall over everything that gets in their way. It is a genuine horror movie, it is filled with suspense, it has humour and it has romance. Without a doubt this film is one of the most successful and satisfying horror films of the decade.

The gloomy, translucent setting is superb, there are plenty of stunning scenes where you just feel completely entangled in the atmosphere.

The reason I love this film so much is because it didn't leave me feeling uncomfortable, it left me feeling slightly unnerved. There is a difference between comfort and fear of which I have found a lot of genre directors can't sense the barrier. You have good characters, you have a terrific script with clear and promising music, once you have that you have a good scary horror film of which someone could watch again. If you don't have that, the film is simple awkwardness with usually a truckload of blood and guts but no heart whatsoever.

Creep hit me in all the right places, it left me feeling the way a terrific horror movie should. Satisfied.

If I were Christopher Smith, I would be feeling exceptionally proud of myself for having built such a great movie.
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