I Am an American was a pretty interesting short about proud immigrants who become Americans
21 March 2010
Just watched this propaganda short on the Hollywood Canteen DVD. This one tells the fictional story of the Kanowskis, a family whose parents came to this country from the Polish-Ukraine. The father fights in the Civil War and loses an arm though he bears no ill will since he proudly served his country. And so when the Spanish-American War came, he summoned his grandsons to help fight which they gladly did. And then one of his sons continue the summoning after his father dies...The narrator points out that the immigrants that are presented here could have been any others from various countries looking for a new land to call their own and become what the title above says. He also says that the second generation became native Americans while the group we now call that-what he referred to as Indians-were originally from Asia. Later on, we see Dennis Morgan do a speech continuing the short's point that not all Americans were named Smith, Jones, or Brown but were also many other surnames that he admits aren't easily pronounceable. So obviously, this short was meant to tell immigrants to feel proud of their adopted country. And it's pretty heartfelt seeing how tolerant this country at the time was to different nationalities and cultures though one pauses when one realizes that segregation of African-Americans and Caucasians was legal then as well...
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