Iron Man 2 (2010)
A Pure Masterpiece!
29 April 2010
This is, without a doubt going to be one of my top 10 movies of 2010, quite possibly the number one film. I really can't see anything that could possibly top this film. One of my favorite movie going experiences EVER. I was thrilled with Iron Man back in 2008 but this takes that experience and adds to it. I'm so happy to report that unlike other sequels made only for a cash grab, Iron Man 2 delivers on every front possible. There is no doubt why IM2 will be the box office smash of 2010. With good reason, the film is well worth the price of admission, more so then any movie I've seen in years. Director Jon Favreau has done it again, with great style and flair. The new actors are injected perfectly. Mickey Rourke, Sam Rockwell and even good old Garry Shandling are exceptional. We all knew Scarlett Johansson could handle the sex appeal but she's especially good as Tony's new assistant/SHIELD operative. Don Cheadle trumps Terrance Howard's Rhodey in every way. I'm also relieved to report that Robert Downey Jr. and Gwenyth Paltrow are even more amazing in their lead roles. They've really grown in to embodying these wonderful characters. What many don't realize but soon will is that this film has tremendous depth. The lead characters all respond to turmoil and are fleshed out beautifully. Judging by the commercials, people may expect wild action but they are going to be pleasantly surprised at the complexity and depth of the film itself. What only adds to the experience is the fact that they managed to deliver fun in to the equation. This masterpiece is one of those rare summer event movies that really does deliver something for everyone.
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