Pearl Harbor (2001)
This movie made me cry and laugh......
25 May 2010
The best thing I can say about this movie was that I was driven to emotional extremes. At some points I was near to tears, and at others laughing hysterically. Problem was not at the points or for the reasons intended by the filmmakers.

First of all, if you're going to make a film about a major historical event, do some basic research. There so many ways this story could be well told while sticking to the basic facts, there's no need to insult your audience's intelligence with garbage. There are so many things wrong other reviewers have already documented that I won't bother going over them again here.

If you're going to try to introduce a romantic sub plot (which this doesn't need), write a decent story/dialogue or don't bother, particularly if you're incapable of directing these kinds of scenes.

Pearl Harbour was a pivotal event in world history, why not examine that aspect rather than following it up with a fictitious exercise in flag waving. I despair.

Still, the actual attack sequences looked pretty impressive, so I generously give this a 2/10.
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