Mystery Science Theater in itś finest hour
3 June 2010
The idea bout mystery science theater is obvious take a bad movie and point out the flaws. Make Jokes do whatever is needed to make the experience fun. And this time you certainly don't want to shhh the ones sitting before you.

MST3K does gets better wit how worse a movie is and Manos ranks with the bottom. It is the utter worst probably if one doesn't counts that somewhere int his world in a polish old VHS shop...there must be something worse lurking. Back to Manos though the story is known this is supposed to be a horror, a terrifying fate of an innocent family. That was what it ought to be.. The movie as filmed is more surreal then scary, it is hard to see a movie that lacks everything that makes a movie good. It is surreal to watch that it exists. Through it though shines that Warren tried to make a good movie. Tried is the big word he failed utterly and that has given us this delicious MST3K moment.

Having seen both the original and this one let me say I rather stick to the MST3K for my sanity. The original is like a zone of anti art, anti film anti good. It is again so bad it is surreal but it isn't ed wood. The original movie HURTS one can watch an ed wood movie and laugh this is something special. A movie able to sap the will to life. To stay in the same room as the movie it is an offensive movie!

Back to MST3K shall why? Yes because luckily these guys have made it bearable the source material so bad that even mediocre jokes are like a fresh water source in the desert of El Paso. And yes Joel does looks cute in that outfit you have to give it to him. A movie this bad the riffing humor puts a smile on your face and it has shown. This is one of the best MST3K moments. From the haunting torgo theme to that Torgo probably was the most likable character in the movie.

A warning if one thinks they can handle the original movie unaided well you are wrong. Either run this one a few times and laugh a the madness. Or run the original and see how many bottles of Jack Daniels you just emptied.

And so I hail P Warren for making something special and Joel and the Bots for making it survivable. For the worst movies are not those that are painful bad but those that are boring! If good movies are like shining stars this movie is a big black hole.. and we get to enjoy a true full filling riffing of itś terribleness.

Please see this one!
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