What Love Is (2007)
Bad movies should stay bad and stop pretending to be good.
10 June 2010
I feel with the experience and knowledge I have acquired about good movies that it is my responsibility to steer people away from disgraceful attempts at entertainment. I have watched a number of bad movies, but none have profoundly irritated me as much as What Love Is.

First off, the dialogue. It is totally unrealistic. The director wishes to portray these characters as being very smart and witty, but instead it transpires as a poor stage performance on fast forward disguised as a film. And its not that they are too fast to keep up with. They are fast like the blur of a trashy sports car at top speed before it crashes into a restaurant and kills everyone inside. It's a bloody mess.

Next off, the characters. They are unlikeable. I don't like them. You won't either. They are very stereotypical, and the fact that they are so consciously aware of their persona does not add to their charm, but just makes the whole performance tiresome. They say and portray nothing interesting and in the rare instances that they do say something, it is totally devoid of normal human portrayal and response that it does not even register, unless you keep pausing the film to think about the truth between the banalities. I can't believe Matthew Lillard, I was very satisfied with his performance in Wicker Park, could not believe it was the same person.

Every one of these guys is overacting. I expect this from Cuba Gooden Jr, because he can't act, but not from the rest. They all act like Ace Ventura without the humour. I hate these guys guts so bad that if a nuclear bomb had gone off in the middle of the room after the first thirty minutes, I would have requested that this film get an Oscar. What angers me the most is that the film pretends to be so smart, but the "point" that is trying to be expressed has been done a million times before and a million times better, often with powerful subtlety that keeps the stuff in you head. It tries to be revealing, but just ends up looking dumb.

There is a scene with a bunch of women, which tries to be as "smart" as the guy scene, but is unbelievably worse.

I had become slightly worried over the years that I was becoming so desensitised by foul language in the media that it perhaps had no effect on me any more. But this film proved that theory wrong. There is too much swearing in this movie. I find it unjustified and offensive.

This film is also racist. I'd like to think unconsciously so, with the good guy being black to try and balance the equation. I don't get how the result can be this blatant in modern cinematography, however.

I have to give this film a one. There is no other choice. If it wasn't trying so hard and insulting my intelligence, I would gladly give it a four. If the film actually made me smile more than once, I wouldn't have to subtract a point for boredom. If it wasn't so racist, I wouldn't have had to subtract an additional point. This is the worst film I have seen, and I can't even laugh at how bad it is.
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