Hiccups (2010–2011)
What a Stupid Show
15 June 2010
Worst Show I've seen in years or ever... It is absolute dribble. The time taken to watch this show is time I could have spent watching paint dry... that would have been more interesting. The acting is bad, the script sucks.. I could go on for hours but you get the picture.. Don't waste time watching this dribble. What do they think we are....stupid.... not! Don't waste time and money making such terrible shows and expect us to watch! I cannot believe anyone would find this interesting and worth watching. Who on earth could find this interesting. I don't write a lot of reviews but this was so bad I thought I would drop a line or two and maybe someone will read this and decide to do anything else but watch this stupid dribble. Are they seriously marketing this show or is it a joke or a test to see how many people will watch anything regardless of quality.
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