4 July 2010
Knight & Day is moderately entertaining and a little disappointing. Roy Miller (Tom Cruise) is a secret agent on the run for a crime he didn't commit. He accidentally meets June (Cameron Diaz) a car mechanic who is in the wrong place at the wrong time. June decides to join the adventure and eventually becomes the film's love interest. Roy and June are chased throughout and the U.S. and Europe by the CIA and a Spanish arms dealer. The film looks expensive and it has high production values.

Knight and Day has lots of chases and explosions and it's the type of film that Hollywood is usually very good at making. Miller's fighting skills are almost superhuman and he makes James Bond and Jason Bourne seem second-rate. He kills lots of people but none of it feels real, it's just cartoon violence. The film is mostly played for laughs so there is little tension and you never feel like any real harm will come to the characters. This combination worked well in Mr and Mrs Smith, but Pitt and Jolie were more convincing in their roles and had a wittier script to work with. Unfortunately Knight & Day just felt mediocre and it wasn't very amusing. Secret agents are better when they are angst-ridden (e.g., John Cusack in Grosse Point Blank) but Miller seemed just too perky and nice to be truly believable as an international assassin.

Unfortunately Cruise and Diaz seemed to be getting a little old for their parts. Tom is 48 and his character behaved like someone in their twenties. It may have been more enjoyable and believable with a younger cast.

The film contained no real surprises and I felt as if I had seen it all before. The "innocent man on the run" plot has been used in lots of Hollywood movies and it can seem old and tired. However if you like chases and explosions and beautiful locations and don't want to to think too much then this could be the movie for you. I was hoping for more.
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