Review of Fat Slags

Fat Slags (2004)
Meretricious rubbish
19 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
In Robert Heinlein's novel The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress, a sentient computer is trying to understand humour. His human mentor identifies the fact that some humour is funny every time, and some is only funny once.

In 1979 a comic called Viz was introduced in the UK. In terms of appearance, Viz emulated the historic tradition of kids' humour comics as started in 1939 with the Dandy, with single page strips devoted to individual characters. The subject matter of the strips, however, is predominantly mucky - toilet talk, sexual situations and, in general, the sort of smutty humour which particularly appeals to adolescent lads. To them, I suspect the humour is funny every time. To me - once I read a copy of Viz I got the joke, found it mildly amusing, and found repeat trips added nothing to the experience. There are those who did not find the first experience amusing.

Fat Slags is a movie based on a Viz strip. Whereas Dandy and Beano feature the misadventures of Lord Snooty And His Pals, Roger the Dodger, Minnie the Minx, The Bash Street Kids et. al. (all of whom are variations on mildly naughty schoolchildren), Fat Slags concerns itself with the gluttonous and promiscuous exploits of two young women from the north of England. That's it. That's the joke, folks. Funny, isn't it? OK, after you've found the strip mildly amusing the first time you've read it, I suppose it's conceivable you might get a chuckle or two from future strips (particularly if you leave a gap between reading them - say a year or two). Now let's consider feeding this limited idea into a movie.

We have two talented actresses stuffed into fat suits, indulging in real lowest denominator antics. Toilet sequences can be funny - Dumb And Dumber, Blazing Saddles, American Pie come to mind - but farting for the sake of it simply isn't. And that's the problem with most of the outrageous antics in this movie (and the strip) - they are just for the sake of it.

And, as such, not remotely funny.

This is a waste of the undoubted talent of those in it, and a huge blot on their collective CVs.
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