Review of Tamo i ovde

Tamo i ovde (2009)
New Entry into the Indie Greats Canon
18 July 2010
A movie like "Here and There" shows us just how good movies can be, even when they're made on a tiny budget. With a pitch-perfect cast (that includes Cindy Lauper!) and a script that hinges on a clever conceit, "Here and There" straddles the line between comedy and drama in the best indie fashion and delivers emotions that register on many different levels. The movie's script, about a depressed NYC jazz musician who finds himself stuck in Belgrade, Serbia, beautifully explores the different facets of it's protagonist's plight with humor, drama, a hard won humanism, and above all, a light touch that is never heavy handed. The film moves along briskly, whisking you away in it's narrative current, and before you realize it you're enmeshed in the character's lives and you're heart is beating along with them. Recommended for anyone in need of a good story told expertly or for anyone who thinks independent films are dead. Take a look at "Here and There" and you'll discover that they are alive and going strong. I'm sure Jarmusch would be proud of new writer/director Darko Lungulov who combines the tone and aesthetic of the indies with the wit and showmanship of classic Hollywood screen writing.
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